Join/Renew Membership

Join The CSU Atlanta Alumni Association

Pay Membership Dues To The Atlanta Chapter

Central State Alumni annual membership dues are $85.00 and Atlanta Chapter only dues are $35.00. A small service charge has been added to payments made to the Atlanta Chapter to cover credit card processing fees.

Local dues help support our students. Be locally financial.

Also Friends of CSU, you too may become associate members of the organization.

Pay Local Dues

Pay Membership Dues Directly To CSU General Alumni Association

Central State Alumni annual membership dues are $85.00. Please click the link below to pay your annual dues at the alumni association's website. Please make sure you list Atlanta as your chapter. Once you have paid your dues and receive your confirmation email message from the association please forward it to:

Pay General Alumni Dues


Should you decide to utilize the GAA (General Alumni Association) form or procedure listed on their Website please be mindful of the following:

When paying your alumni dues by using the General Alumni's Membership form, you must put the Atlanta Chapter in the section, "Chapter Affiliation". If you don't complete the information in this section of the GAA's form, then the Atlanta Chapter does not get the information or the $35 check that you have paid your dues!

Therefore, the Chapter doesn't know you have paid your dues and cannot list you as "financial".